CESSSelected projectsData Quality Assessment of Surveys and...

Data Quality Assessment of Surveys and Administrative Data Used as MCA-Benin Indicators


The Government of the United States of America, through the Millennium Challenge Corporation «MCC» and the Government of the Republic of Benin have signed a cooperation agreement (The compact), for the period 2006-2011. To this end, the program has designed and implemented four projects. These are: (i) access to land, (ii) access to financial services, (iii) access to justice, and (iv) access to markets. An essential and cross-cutting component of the program is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), which entails measuring the performance, progress and results of each project. In this context, two sources of data are used: survey data and administrative data. Before using these data to measure project performance,MCA-Benin wanted to ensure their statistical qualities MCA-Benin would like to ensure their statistical qualities.



The main objective of the study is to undertake a Data Quality Assessment (DQA) of studies and surveys by assessing on the one hand, the quality of their preparation process (design, sampling, questionnaire preparation, planning of the works) and, on the other hand, the data collection process, data processing, analysis and publication of survey results and administrative data related to indicators of MCA-Benin Program.



The specific objectives of the DQA are to:

  • Assess methodologies and technical documents elaborated and used in the implementation of surveys and studies as well as in the production of administrative data related to indicators of the MCA-Benin program;
  • Evaluate the databases of these studies and surveys as well as the administrative data;
  • Draw recommendations to enable the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) to improve the design and implementation of surveys as well as the processing and analysis of data collected;
  • Propose a mechanism for a systematic evaluation of the quality of the survey data, produced by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE);
  • Propose tools to be put in place to allow for a systematic assessment of the quality of data produced by the statistical offices of the various government structures, throughout their implementation process.


Services provided by CESS

  • Assessment of the data and indicators system production;
  • Evaluation of data collectionprocess(collection method, collection, processing and report production);
  • Survey data Analysis (analysis of the strength of the modes of calculation, completeness of data);
  • Analysis of the production process of the census data (RGE) and household surveys (EMICOV) of INSAE
  • Triangulation of data produced;
  • Production of study reports and formulation of recommendations.


Results achieved

  • A detailed assessment of data quality of MCA Benin
  • Recommendations on data and indicators.

Following the recommendation made by CESS Institute to improve survey implementation, INSAE uses now electronic tablet for the implementation of the 4th round of the 2011 household survey EMICOV. The use of tablet allowed INSAE to reduce the data entry time and the overall quality of the database.


