Research at CESS Institute

CESS Institute is an independent applied research institute on development and poverty reduction issues.


Through applied research, CESS Institute offers to its clients, operational and technical solutions to development and poverty reduction issues. We also promote collaboration amongst researchers with shared interests in sustainable development and poverty reduction. CESS Institute has a network of researchers with long field experience on poverty reduction and sustainable development.

CESS Institute offers to its clients appropriate and operational solutions to key development and poverty reduction issues




Second Congress of African Economists organised by the African Union (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, November 24-26, 2011).

Theme of the conference: « How to ensure strong and sustainable economic growth in Africa so as to absorb unemployment and sustain Regional and Continental Integration ».

  • Paper presented: Impact of FDI on poverty reduction in Africa: Are there regional differences? (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).

UNECA Regional Workshop Conference on the MDG beyond-2015 (November 15-16, 2011 in Accra, Ghana)

  • Paper presented: The post-2015 Development Agenda: The Case for retaining the MDGs in its current configuration (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU).

Sixth African Economic Conference (AEC) organised by the UNECA, the African Development Bank and the UNDP (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 25-28, 2011). Theme of the Conference: « The Green Economy and Structural Transformation ».

  • Paper presented: FDI and Financial Market Development in Africa (by Dr. Isaac OTCHERE, Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ & Dr. Pierre YOUROUGOU).

Annual conference of the Société canadienne de sciences économiques (SCSE) (Sherbrooke, Canada, May 11-13, 2011).

  • Paper presented: Causality between FDI and Financial Market Development: Evidence from Emerging Markets (by Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ & Dr. Fulbert TCHANA TCHANA).

Mathematical Finance Days organised by the Institut de Finance Mathématique de Montréal (Montreal, Canada, May 9-10, 2011).

  • Paper presented: Causality between FDI and Financial Market Development: Evidence from Emerging Markets (by Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ & Dr. Fulbert TCHANA TCHANA).



Economics Seminar of the African Development Bank (Tunis, Tunisia June 2010)

  • Paper presented: The Impact of Project Cost on the Disbursement Delay: The Case of the African Development Bank (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).

Global Development Finance Conference (Cape Town, South Africa, November 24-26, 2010).

  • Papers presented: o (1) Impact of FDI on Poverty Reduction in Africa: Are There Regional Differences? (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).
  • (2) FDI and Financial Market Development in Africa (by Dr. Isaac OTCHERE, Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ & Dr. Pierre YOUROUGOU).


XXth Conference of the CEDIMES (Quebec City, Canada, November 8-10, 2010).


  • Paper presented: Applying the CAPM and the Fama-French Model to the BRVM Stock Market (by Dr. Edoh Kossi AMENOUNVE, Ousmane DIOP, Dramane MÉITÉ & Dr. Issouf SOUMARE).


Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (New York, USA, October 20-23, 2010).


  • Paper presented: Impact of FDI on poverty reduction in Africa: Are there regional differences? (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).


Whitman School of Management Conference on Entrepreneurship in Africa (Syracuse, USA, April 1-3, 2010).


  • Papers presented:
  • (1) Impact of FDI on poverty reduction in Africa: Are there regional differences? (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).
  • (2) The Impact of Project Cost on the Disbursement Delay: The Case of the African Development Bank (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).



African Economic Conference (AEC) organised by the UNECA and the African Development Bank (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 11-13). Theme: Setting the Agenda for Africa’s Economic Recovery and Long Term Growth.

  • Papers presented:
  • (1) Impact of FDI on Welfare and Regional Integration in Africa (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).
  • (2) The Impact of Project Cost on the Disbursement Delay: The Case of the African Development Bank (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).

9th Annual Conference « Les Journée du CIRPÉE » (Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Canada, October 2-3, 2009).

  • Paper presented: Impact of FDI on Welfare and Regional Integration in Africa (by Dr. Gaston GOHOU & Dr. Issouf SOUMARÉ).